Want to double your money every 1-2 years investing in real estate?

We don't hit home runs.

We hit singles and doubles...

and we never, ever strikeout!

Join one of our FREE investment clubs,

invest as little as $120/year or $10/month,

learn how to earn at least 25% on every real estate deal!

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How it works Inforgraphic

Complete the application below to request to join one of our
Series Investment Clubs!

As part of the application process you are required to check off on the six (6) statements below. You can view the related documents at the following links:

  1. "Supporting the Black Community to Survive America" document
  2. How to use Investment Clubs with Qualified Opportunity Funds to rebuild Black communities” document
  3. The Black Nationalists Investment Clubs for Rebuilding Black Detroit LLC Series Investment Clubs Operating Agreement” document
  4. "The Black Nationalists Investment Clubs for Rebuilding Black Detroit, a Series LLC Operating  Rules" document

You weren't invited by a member of one of our Series Investment Clubs?

In order to process your application, you must have been invited to join by a member with whom you have a pre-existing, substantive relationship. If you don't have a pre-existing, substantive relationship with a member, then you can create one directly with us. Complete the Request for Information form below and we will start communicating over email about who we are and informing you about the benefits of being a member. Through this email exchange we will establish a substantive relationship directly between us and then you will be eligible to apply to join one of our Series Investment Clubs.

You also click here to read how it all works.